Caledonia Violence


  • VoiceofCanada feature: CALEDONIA PHOTOS
  • VoiceofCanada feature: CALEDONIA LAWSUITS (extensive – and shocking! – allegations related to the violence, crime and other intimidation suffered by residents at the hands of native extremists and OPP/Ontario government ‘misfeasance.’ 
  • Canadian Advocates for Charter Equality: ‘The Human Costs of Illegal Occupations‘ (101 page draft copy of report documenting crimes against Caledonia residents – both native and non-native)

A.   Sept 12/07: Attempted murder of Sam Gualtieri

Sam Gualtieri was attacked by a group of native thugs inside the home he was building for his daughter in the Stirling Heights subdivision in Caledonia. As with the Douglas Creek Estates, the OPP allowed natives to occupy the site.


– VoiceofCanada articles re Dec 01/07 violence in Caledonia 

gary_hospital-dec01-07-small.jpgA list of all VoiceofCanada stories related to the Dec 01/07 violence in Caledonia can be found by clicking on the ‘Caledonia – Dec 01/07‘ link in the CATEGORIES list in the right side margin menu.

– CANACE incident summary

jeffparkinson-dec01-07.jpgThis report contains a summary of events, with direct links to supporting evidence that proves that it was NOT the peaceful residents who were responsible for the violence on December 01, 2007. 

[Photo, top, shows Gary McHale after being assaulted by 6 native thugs in 3 separate, unprovoked, attacks. Photo, right, is of Jeff Parkinson after being thrown to the ground and knocked unconscious by an OPP officer while he was videotaping one of the assaults on McHale.]

Evidence in this document shows:

  • allegations that native women were assaulted by McHale are false;
  • it was native smokeshack supporters who initiated all acts of violence;
  • victims of the violence did not retaliate when attacked.
  • the worst of the violence was incited when one of the women deliberately tried to set up McHale for a false assault charge by falsely yelling to the crowd that he had pushed her. Video evidence clearly shows that she, in fact, assaulted him after making her accusation. 
  • Julian Fantino, commissioner of the OPP, falsely and publicly blamed the innocent victims of the violence the next day, before the investigation had begun, thereby tainting the investigation.
  • Fantino issued orders to officers to target Gary McHale for arrest and travel restrictions – again – prior to the investigation having begun.
  • OPP investigators are targeting peaceful non-native demonstrators with charges while ignoring the many violent crimes of natives who also assaulted police officers throughout the event.
  • OPP investigators are laying charges against non-native demonstrators for actions that did not result in charges against natives who committed similar ‘crimes’ earlier in the day. 

– videos (